Content is very important to me. I strive to treat a variety of interests -animals, children, rural and botanical subjects. No matter what I do I try to scratch the surface, revealing some of the psychology of my subjects so that don't become cliches or overly precious. I hope to gain more depth than meets the eye -everyday content with an unexpected edge. Some of my favorite artists are outsiders like Grandma Moses and Clementine Hunter and more schooled artists who imitated their naiveté like Jean Dubuffet. Surfaces, too, are important to me and working the surface until it reaches as visual a level of interest as the content is one of my primary goals. I work in oil and beeswax on board but also in acrylic, ink and pencil on paper or board.I am thoroughly obsessed with making art; if not making it, thinking about it. It is an extremely fun and fulfilling obsession.
Starry Night, 12x12, oil, beeswax on panel, $395
Nocturnal, 25x19, oil, beeswax on panel, $1295
Interior with Bowl of Cherries, 19x15, oil, beeswax on panel, $795
Content is very important to me. I strive to treat a variety of interests -animals, children, rural and botanical subjects. No matter what I do I try to scratch the surface, revealing some of the psychology of my subjects so that don't become cliches or overly precious. I hope to gain more depth than meets the eye -everyday content with an unexpected edge. Some of my favorite artists are outsiders like Grandma Moses and Clementine Hunter and more schooled artists who imitated their naiveté like Jean Dubuffet. Surfaces, too, are important to me and working the surface until it reaches as visual a level of interest as the content is one of my primary goals. I work in oil and beeswax on board but also in acrylic, ink and pencil on paper or board.I am thoroughly obsessed with making art; if not making it, thinking about it. It is an extremely fun and fulfilling obsession.
Starry Night, 12x12, oil, beeswax on panel, $395
Nocturnal, 25x19, oil, beeswax on panel, $1295
Interior with Bowl of Cherries, 19x15, oil, beeswax on panel, $795