Kei Gratton
At the break of dawn early January of 2018, I woke to a firm voice in my head “YOU ARE PAINTING THE TAROT!” I had played with the idea for some time, as my personal collection of tarot decks had been a source of inspiration for years. It felt like a gentle little tug as my heart was saying “Do it!” but I seriously doubted I had it in me. I wasn’t taking “the calling” seriously, but the nudge was persistent. On this particular 4:00am moment the voice was LOUD and shockingly confident. My eyes opened BIG…and like the “FOOL,” who begins her journey blindly yet faithfully, I said “YES, LET’S DO THIS!” ” And I say “let’s” because I trusted I would be spiritually guided to push myself beyond my comfort zone. Tarot decks are typically illustrations full of nuances and detail, created as a divination tool to read into a situation or question. My work has been more about shadowy symbolism, refraining from getting too specific. The layers..and there’s A LOT of them.. are where the deeper symbolism lies. Beyond those layers the viewer is invited to go deep as you access your own inner poetic wisdom. This body of work is a sincere invitation to express yourself from a place of truth. To ask the hard questions. To follow your path and BE dedicated to the shadow work required to move us through the veil and into a New Earth perspective.
In my studio I meditate before painting, I surround myself with crystals and stones I have found — lots of hearts!!! I light sage and invite Reiki and my Spirit Guides to be present. I paint with my hands and rarely use a paintbrush. I touch each piece with all my love.
Lovers, 42x26, mixed media on canvas, $3650
Karmic Release, 33x36, mixed media on canvas, $2650
Beaver 15x14, mixed media on canvas, $850