I have been examining notions of time and memory while referencing architectural structures, urban/rural landscape and ornamentation. I have always been struck by the evidence of subconscious influences and their direct link to identity. The pieces are cast adobe tiles and the surfaces vary from simple worn patterns to multi painted layers. The first layer consists of a white wash scraped or sanded to create a worn appearance. Some of these pieces are left with a raw surface and some incorporate layers of pigment followed by a layer(s) of encaustic medium. This technique emphasizes and decorates the rough surface which asserts the passage of time and the burying and recovery of memories.
I have been examining notions of time and memory while referencing architectural structures, urban/rural landscape and ornamentation. I have always been struck by the evidence of subconscious influences and their direct link to identity. The pieces are cast adobe tiles and the surfaces vary from simple worn patterns to multi painted layers. The first layer consists of a white wash scraped or sanded to create a worn appearance. Some of these pieces are left with a raw surface and some incorporate layers of pigment followed by a layer(s) of encaustic medium. This technique emphasizes and decorates the rough surface which asserts the passage of time and the burying and recovery of memories.